Kamanistoye Oil deems its duty to encourage consolidation of the national economy and the creation of a favorable social climate in the country providing for stable and dynamic business development. Though Kamanistoye Oil focuses its main efforts on achieving production goals, it strives to maintain social initiatives aimed at improving the living standards of people in the regions where the Company performs its activity.

Social assistance
Care about the personnel is the key activity of Kamanistoye Oil’s social policy. Performance efficiency of all Holding’s enterprises directly depends on the emotional comfort and positive attitude of the labor collective. Therefore, the main Company’s efforts in the social sphere are aimed at creating favorable working conditions, all-round support, and social welfare for employees and their families.
Being a responsible employer, Kamanistoye Oil strives to provide the employees with a competitive salary and good social package, with wide potential for professional and career development. The Holding’s enterprises develop an integrated approach to personnel engagement, which is based on a flexible system of monetary benefits paid for underperformance results and different elements of moral encouragement.
Social and labor relations in the Company and its subsidiaries are regulated by collective agreements, which guarantee a high level of social protection to the employees going beyond the minimum level established by the legislation. Kamanistoye Oil’s key enterprises offer their employees various social benefits, including meal allowances, the possibility to obtain free medical service under the voluntary medical insurance program, participation in programs of non-state pension provision, right to reimbursement health resort treatment, and rest.

Charity and regional cooperation
Kamanistoye Oil, as a socially oriented corporation, deems it necessary to encourage the settlement of vital social problems, render adequate assistance to those in need, and favour and encourage positive social changes in the regions of the Company’s activity. The Holding’s enterprises consider social investment as one of the most important elements of the corporate development strategy and annually spend significant funds for charity and sponsor activities.

Kamanistoye Oil’s priority charity activities are:
•    assistance to children’s social institutions and organizations;
•    assistance to socially unprotected categories of citizens;
•    development of the social infrastructure in the regions where the Company performs its activities;
•    preservation of spiritual and cultural heritage.