Kamanistoye Oil is fully aware of its responsibility before the society, living, and future generations for the preservation of the favorable environmental situation at the territories where the Holding operates. Environmental friendliness, rational use of natural resources, and protection of the health of the personnel and population in the regions of the Company’s presence are the most topical for Kamanistoye Oil.

Striving to ensure stable and dynamic business development is based on the understanding that eco-friendly operating activities are the guarantee of Kamanistoye Oil’s success and competitiveness. Environmental actions take an important place in the annual investment plans of the Company.

Kamanistoye Oil’s environmental activity is aimed at continuous enhancement of environmental and industrial safety of operations and minimization of man-caused impact on the environment in the course of hydrocarbon production and processing. To achieve the target specified above, the Company carries out the following actions:

  • upgrading of production facilities; introduction of new advanced technologies, materials and equipment to mitigate the negative impact on the environment and simultaneously increase production volumes;
  • enhancement of the quality of technical documentation preparation, compulsory expertise of all projects to determine the best options for their implementation in terms of industrial and environmental safety;
  • continuous environmental monitoring of industrial facilities to obtain the latest information about the environmental conditions and environmental impact degree.

To fulfill the above-mentioned actions effectively, the Company introduced and maintains an integrated system of environmental and occupational health management. Special attention is paid to the improvement of the corporate culture, and increase in responsibility and competencies of the personnel related to the issues of environment preservation, and industrial and occupational safety.
Kamanistoye Oil’s key environmental actions in oil production are:

  • rational utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG);
  • restoration of disturbed and contaminated soils;
  • enhancement of pipeline system reliability;
  • introduction of low-waste technologies for subsoil development;
  • industrial waste utilization.

At present, within air protection actions Kamanistoye Oil implements the program aimed to increase the APG utilization up to 95% in KHMAO-Yugra. This program involves the development of power generation capacities and gas transportation infrastructure at the Greenfields placed on production. Great emphasis is laid on the protection of land resources. To date, the problem of restoration of lands contaminated during the early field development is completely solved in KHMAO-Yugra, the main oil production region of the Holding. Remediation of disturbed and contaminated soils is carried out on a regular basis. The Company actively works at upgrading pipeline systems, which includes revamping and annual chemical treatment of main lines, and installation of early detection systems. When constructing new oil pipelines, the Company uses pipes made of corrosion-resistant composite materials. Kamanistoye Oil’s oil men were one of the first who started introducing the eco-friendly pit-free drilling technology. At present, alongside the pit-free method of well construction Holding’s enterprises widely apply low-waste production technologies; and build additional capacities for storage, recycling, and utilization of drilling cuttings.

The Company’s oil refining enterprises also carry out intensive environmental activity, due to which harmful pollutant emissions into the atmosphere are considerably reduced, the amount of waste accumulated is decreased, and the quality of industrial effluents is significantly improved. During the last decade, Kamanistoye Oil’s Refineries performed large-scale upgrading and revamping of process capacities aimed not only at increasing the oil processing depth and enhancing the products’ quality but also to increase the environmental safety of operations.

Due to actions taken, Kamanistoye Oil, the main Holding’s oil refining enterprise, managed to reduce practically twice the volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere. Construction of the advanced wastewater treatment station and other water protection actions enabled to improvement of the quality of effluents for their conformance to the requirements imposed on fishery water bodies of the 1st category. Kamanistoye Oil achieved great success in enhancing the ecological properties of the products manufactured. In recent years, the enterprise has constantly among the industry leaders in producing fuels compliant with modern European standards.